Monday, February 28, 2022

How to score high at IELTS Listening

I have taught many students and they passed the paper exam and some got 9 points score in IELTS Listening. So, I want to share the strategies with you.

I am going to write  related articles about each section of the IELTS exam and post them in the coming weeks. Now let's get started! 

Let me quickly tell you about the format of the test and then we will dive into tips, so Listening to IELTS is the same for both academic and general education exams. lasts 30 minutes and includes 40 questions, which are divided into four sections and questions become more difficult as you pass the test required for answer 30 questions correctly in order to achieve a 7 or 35 questions to get an 8. I would say that the main difficulty in listening to IELTS is lack of time, so I Let's talk about how you can manage your time more effectively during this test. to answer additional questions if you pass the paper exam you receive question sheets and an answer sheet, so while you listen to the recording you mark your answers on the question sheets, and then if you get more ten minutes to submit your answers, which is more than enough time if you take a computer-based exam that you answer directly on the screen, so you don't have to these ten minutes, and they will give you only two basically this is enough to check your answers, you may only need to check those where you write down printed words and check spelling, you may need to think about how to write certain words so that two minutes are enough for this .

For me, the big advantage of the computer test is that you always get headphones and you can hear everything clearly on the paper exam, you can get headphones in some centres, but quite often you are just in a room full of people with loudspeakers and generally not so clear I generally have a separate article where I talk about all the differences between paper and computer exam and you can watch it to decide which format is best for you, I'm going to link it here as listening is a hard test because it's hard to understand what they say on the record, but because you need listening read and write almost  simultaneously is a test concentration and the ability to manage your time and seconds very precisely you should know that if you put in a situation where you read the question for the first time when listening to the recording, I hardly recognize so you'll just be bored so you need to read the questions before you listen record and let the idea in the test, because when it starts they give you a few seconds to read the questions and you really need to use that time to maximum so as soon as you see a task like don't read the task don't think about anything try to read all the questions in this section and before the recording begins go back and look at the first and second question to know what do you expect, then you listen to the first record and they tell you you have time to revise your answers, don't do it right away, go to future questions and keep reading and memorizing them, this is the biggest tip I have think about the biggest thing you can do to improve your skill and I would let's say always try to follow two questions: your question and the next one question, you will see questions where the question itself is quite low and then you have some long options so when you read them before writing starts trying to pay attention to keywords in each of them in each option, then when listening to the recording you will make them lighter and they can give you, say, four options and they will talk about each of them on the record and most likely they will going to say something like at first i thought it would be this but then this turned out to be wrong, but one that we didn't explain.

The March frog turned out to be the best something like this and are going to mention them all and their opinion will change as soon as you hear that some option is wrong, just cross it out right away helps in the paper exam in the computer exam unfortunately you don't have that option, so you have to pay even more attention to keywords another tip, if you are taking a paper exam, keep the assignment in hand and always remember if you need to select a word or letter, for example in this task if you wrote the word movie it would be the wrong answer you need to write it be, and if you are not sure what the answer is make an assumption that you don't lose points for wrong answers.

Anyway, now let me tell you about some of the most difficult task types in those who listen always get questions when they need to feel the gap and the challenge it would now be much more than one word or a number almost greater than three words and number and what you can do here you can read your question.

Be a More Confident Public Speaker

Public speaking is a challenge, and I believe the challenge must be accepted. How do you think? We all have a moment on stage when we pass out. Have you ever frozen on scene? Well, once in school, I seriously froze on stage. Speaking to the crowd means you have to go through sleepless nights, nervousness, deadlines and many rounds to the toilet when you're just about to start, am I right?  and today I am going to share with you some valuable tips to help you speak better in public. So keep an eye on this session as I share some tips to help you understand the mistakes you've been making all this time speaking in public. You see this blog, a place to learn skills for the real world.

It is believed that "Good speech is a pencil, it should have a point." It is for this reason that you can sit all week to formulate the right points by adding a few big words and very good vocabulary to make it look good. You can also do enough Power Point presentations with pictures, graphics and drawings. But you're missing something here. Most of your time will be spent preparing content for the event, as in what you are about to say. But what we are missing is How to Speak. we do a lot of time to think about what to say, but not enough time to think about how to say it. So, let me give you a head! I mean, let me tell you how the numbers are. Researchers say that "a lasting and impressive style is more closely related to voice and body language we use". So to my shock, content and words play only 7% of the role in communication and I was absolutely surprised to know. Then what do the remaining 93% depend on, if not on what? you say? Then voice is 38% and body language is 55% of what you say? Isn't that a shocking statistic for you? Human ability to speak and communicate audience largely depends on body language, not content, not to what you say. So body language is like the text you send to a friend. if you are polite and cheerful, good mood. If you add sarcasm, you will spoil the good conversation. So, if your body language is unpleasant, you will ruin the whole relationship. with the audience during a public performance. So make sure you don't hurt your feelings people who listen to you. Rather, you focus on a positive and happy delivery method of the speech, which is a reflective way in your body language and your voice. So concentrate about how to say more than about what to say.

First of all, it is important not only to make a lasting impression, but also to do positive. Yes, let me tell you about my college professor, he was some weird guy. He made long pauses during the conversation, like this, but whenever he said, the message stuck in my memory forever, which means I could not forget what he said in addition, he had a great sense of humor, and this is what attracted most students from my class. We all come from different parts of India and different corners world, but when we heard him, we all laughed at the same joke and listened to him very carefully. But besides this humor, it is important to look at your audience. This What did he do. When he made these pauses, he usually looked at us. So don't look away fixed in place, it is best to observe across the room, making meaningful eye contact with your audience. This will help you communicate better with them and there is no better way to explain point than using examples from everyday life. As I tell you about my professor, You can also talk about one of your school or student days. be even from your workplace. There are examples that may help to relate to the topic. Trust me, I use them too ;) so you should add examples, have nice body language and look at the audience and interact for a great speech. The beginning part of speech is the most significant part. Go to your room wisely, lie down notes on the podium, look up, keep your chin up and greet them with a warm smile. Do they believe you know what you are doing. It always brings great comfort when the other is in control. So if they think you don't know what You say it will be a problem. So be the one in control.

I think the best way to grab the audience's attention is to think clearly and a strong phrase that people can relate to. When I was in school, I still remember the headman often approached the podium and raised his fist during the lunch break and say: "defend your territory." What does it mean? It means taking care of your things. Well, he said that because our bags were full of food when we got back. from our house after the winter holidays, so before everything.  

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

IELTS Notes Online


IELTS Notes Online